Tuesday, December 23, 2008
IMAZ video short
Monday, December 15, 2008
IMAZ 2008
I've got some pictures and video that I'll try to upload this week, but the long and short of it is we had a great time and all six of our friends finished the race.
We stayed and watched everything starting from the cannon that started the race, all the way until the last official finisher crossed the line just before midnight. In fact, we were still there when the first "non" finisher crossed just a minute or so past the cutoff. The volunteers were all clearing the area when the athlete turned the corner - so they quickly ran back and held up the tape for her. The whole experience was pretty awesome.
I'll definitely be going back next year to volunteer and then the plan is to sign up for the 2010 race.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The new bike!
2008 Felt B2 Pro
Mine has Zipp 404s instead of the 606s, and I had them put black tape on the bars instead of the white tape. When I get a chance, I'll take a picture of mine, but for now - the Felt marketing pic will have to do.
I drove all the way down to San Diego to get it because they had a great closeout sale on all of their remaining 2008 bikes. I rode several including a Scott, Kuota, and a Cervelo. The Felt was definitely the best fit and a great deal so I got it. I can't wait to take it out for a long ride this weekend!
Monday, September 15, 2008
5k Swim results
My wife went with me to the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center in Pasadena, CA. and helped me keep track of my laps and my time which helped a lot.
I swam 100 lengths of the pool, which is 5,000 meters or 3.1 miles. My 1K split times were:
- 1k 19:54
- 2k 21:28
- 3k 22:16
- 4k 21:32
- 5k 21:02
Total -- 1:46:22
At 2.4 miles my time was about 1:19 (this is the Ironman Distance). This time would have put me around 1200 out of 2027 swimmers in the Arizona Ironman race earlier this year. Even my total time of 1:46:22 is well within the IM cutoff time (2:20:00) so that's a good confidence booster too.
I tried to take it nice and easy so I wouldn't burn out. On the second half of the swim I started doing a lot more breast stroke and side stroke to give my shoulders a break. I don't think that will be a great idea on race day because the breast stroke uses my legs a lot more and I don't want to burn out my legs before I get on the bike. I did the whole thing without taking a break for food or water and I didn't feel too hungry of thirsty afterwards, so I'm happy about that since I won't be able to eat or drink on the race course swim.
Overall it was a success and I don't feel sore at all today which is a good sign. I really makes me respect the 10 mile ocean swim my Master's coach is going to do later this month.
Friday, September 12, 2008
5k Swim
I wanted to try an organized open water swim, but the majority of them are between 1 to 2 mile swims, and I've already done a 2 mile open water swim, so swimming another 1 or 2 mile open water swim does not fit my desire to push my limits out to the 3 mile mark.
I found a 5k swim down in Long Beach, CA. but they didn't allow wetsuits, and you need to provide your own kayak and paddler which I don't have.
So instead I'm just going to drag myself down to the local long-course (50m) Olympic pool and swim 100 laps (lengths? - I still don't know what to call it).
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hansen Results
Tami finished 37th in her age group, and 250th overall with a time of 1:27:01
That's about 2.5 minutes slower than last years time, but with less than half of the training. Her swim and both transitions were actually faster than last year, but her bike and run were slighly slower. Overall, considering the light training, she was very pleased that she kept her time under 1:30
I finished 18th in my age group, and 32nd overall with a time of 1:05:13
I know I have room to improve on the bike. I just haven't been finding the time to get out and ride as much as I should.
Official results are posted at http://www.resultsbyprimetime.com/
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hansen Dam Triathlon
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wow! Did you see this?
Individual and team world records were shattered and the American swimmers made up a lot of ground in the last 100 to win by just .08 of a second ahead of the favored French team. That's the smallest margin of Olympic victory EVER for this event.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Hypoxic Club
Porter Valley Masters Hypoxic Club Challenge
To become a member of the Hypoxic Club you have to be able to swim at least one half lap (12 ½ yards) without taking a breath. To reach every stage past this initial step you must complete a consecutive half lap. For example, step one is 12 ½ yards, step two is 25 yards, step three is 37 ½ yards…etc. There is no final goal to reach when attempting Hypoxic Club because you can always try to push yourself that extra yard! As your fitness levels, endurance, and efficiency increase you will be able to extend your distance.
Requirements: For your attempted distance to count the majority of that distance must be swum above the surface.
So this Wednesday, I gave it a shot. I was certain that I could swim at least 50 yards without taking a breath, and thought I might be able to go another half lap if I got a good push off the wall. Well, I was able to go a full 75 yards (3 lengths in the pool) without a breath - giving me the current top position in the challenge. Our coach even sent an email to the club (probably to get some of the better swimmers to join in and take away my top spot).
>>To give everyone who was not present an update on the Hypoxic Club challenge, last night one our newer swimmers raised the bar to a higher level. Jeff attempted and completed 75 yards without breathing, smashing the old record by 25 yards. Great job Jeff!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
No more weddings
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Pismo Beach (Bachelor Party #2)
We were even able to get one of our friends to fly in from Germany as a surprise for the bachelor. It's good to have old friends, and especially good to be able to get together for events like this.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Masters Swim
I joined a Masters Swim club this week. It's the first time in my life I've ever done any sort of organized swim training. My first swim with the team was on Wednesday. What a butt kicking!
The best thing about it was that I swam pretty hard for a full hour without getting bored at all. Normally the thought of more than 30 minutes in the pool bores me to tears.
I spent the evening in the #2 slow lane, so there's plenty of room for improvement. Coach Dan said I had a good fundamental freestyle stroke, but there were plenty of things he can help me work on to improve my speed and endurance.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
You can't see me very well in this picture, but I'm in the front left seat wearing my Drymax trail running socks. They really had to work overtime to try to keep my feet dry that day. The bachelor (sitting front right) almost wore a pair of cotton socks on the raft, but I saved him at the last minute and gave him a pair of my drymax socks before we left camp.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Rafting on the Kern
A very good friend of mine is getting married in July. This weekend, I went with six of my best and oldest friends (since Jr. High) on a rafting adventure down the Kern River in California. This was definitely a top 10 adventure for all of us.
The pictures below are from our third run down the river. After each run, we'd switch positions on the raft so we each had opportunities to ride in the front, middle, and back of the raft.
The best part of the day was when we got high-sided on a boulder and the raft went completely upside down and dumped all of us. We got to ride IN the river for a few hundred yards while the guide got the raft back upright and we all climbed back in.
If you ever get a chance to go rafting, I highly recommend it.
(you can click on the images to see a higher quality version of each picture)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Victory for Victims Results
Melissa: 8th in agegroup - 38:55.2
Jennifer: 23rd in agegroup - 39:03.5
Tami: 24th in agegroup - 39:03.6
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Victory for Victims 5k
Official times were not posted before we left the event, but unofficially I recorded my time as 20:40 and the girls finished together in just under 40 minutes.
This was Melissa's first 5k ever (official or unofficial).
After claiming she might faint during the run, Melissa saw the finish line with just a few hundred yards to go and sprinted ahead of Jennifer and Tami to win the Wrigley Women's division!
Melissa sprints ahead with only 0.1mi to go
Saturday, April 12, 2008
New Runner
Thursday, April 10, 2008
18 months worth of socks!
Here are the results straight from Through Th3 Wall
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
As I get closer to my first Ironman in 2010 I will use this blog to document my journey.